Holy Pest Ministries

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Unpacking Pride

This past Sunday was a milestone for me. Wow. Just wow. I never dreamed that I would be standing at a chancel, blessing people and telling them that they are loved, surrounded by queer community. Oh wait, yes, I did dream of this.

Back in the evangelical church, I wanted to be the bridge between people of God and the gay community. I was so devastated when I discovered that that would never be. There was no hope of me changing anyone’s mind in that place. For a while, I wondered why God would put this on my heart. Why give me this impossible task, knowing that none of these people will soften their hearts to let this community in? Was this more of Gods punishment?

One vital piece of advice I did get from them was to trust the “deep knowing” within you. It was such a perfect way to describe that moment that you touch faith. The deep knowing within me, dared me to dream big. The deep knowing within me, dared me to question- to step away. The deep knowing within me told me to keep going.

When I held the hands of my siblings in faith and I gave them my blessing my deep knowing said to me: this is where the life is. I felt so connected to these people who received a part of me. I could feel the electricity and the vibration between us. I felt connected and grounded. Like a tree anchored exactly where it should be. I exchanged the sustenance of healthy interaction and felt grace. Haven’t felt grace in a long time. She’s as beautiful as I remember.

When I found the United Church of Christ, I realized I had found where the real work had to be done. In this place, they were open to the idea of the queer community being part of their religious community, but their actions did not reflect their sentiment.

They need a lot more education and a lot more guidance. I do believe that God is calling me to help them with that transition and being part of the pride service at All Souls this weekend showed me that it could be done.

It can be done… And must be done again.

My roots are growing into the nutrient rich soil of All Souls. The shock of being replanted is wearing off and the ground is settling and I am holding on. I’m tired from always preparing for battle. I’m grateful to rest amongst these people for a while.

The Unitarians are teaching me the true meaning of witnessing to and for each other. They will show me how to reach hardened hearts and exuberant egos. They will keep me humble while I shine. We will love as a collective and serve each other the way Jesus intended for us.

John 13:34-35 says, "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another". 

Welcome to All Souls… where all souls are welcome.